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The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus

authors: Dr Hannah Fry & Dr Thomas Oléron Evans (2016)
date read: 3 January 2017
rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

This is a fun little book: presenting some well-trodden mathematical concepts in a somewhat different setting. I was already familiar with most of the maths in the book, but that didn’t stop me being entertained and amused as I read it.

Includes some Euclidean geometry, game theory, and Markov chains, but to name a few pieces – but it feels pretty accessible, even to somebody who hasn’t done any maths beyond GCSE.

Favourite fact: in Denmark, children leave out rice pudding instead of mince pies for Santa. (I much prefer rice pudding to mince pies, so this seems eminently sensible.)

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