Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children #1)
A fantasy book about children who find magical doorways that take them to other worlds, and then find themselves returned to the human world. There’s a school that looks after children who have returned, and who want to go back. Our protagonist is Nancy, an ace/aro student who’s just joined the school after returning from an underworld, where she served the Lord of Death.
It’s a fun premise with a flavour of murder mystery, although the person killing the students felt very obvious.
We discussed this book club and I think it raises a lot of interesting questions. I want to read the rest of the series, and explore the world in more detail. I have a lot of questions about these doorways, what happens when you go through, and what happens to the people left behind. I’m also curious whether the school is actually helping these students, or if it’s providing them false hope – and keeping them away from doors they hope are going to reopen.
(see all reviews)